Kid Governor & Civic Action

What You Can Find Here
– Virtual Traveling Exhibit
– CTKG Myra’s Blog
-Student Action Resource Center

Virtual Traveling Exhibit & Create Your Own Poster

Click the image above to go to the Virtual Exhibit!

Welcome to the Virtual Connecticut’s Kid Governor Meet the Candidates Traveling Exhibit! While the traveling exhibit unfortunately can not travel this spring, we are excited to bring the exhibit to you and your students in a virtual format. The exhibit and the accompanying activity are appropriate for 5th grade students, as well as 3rd and 4th graders who might participate in future Connecticut’s Kid Governor elections.

Click HERE to view the Virtual Exhibit.
Click HERE for the Create Your Own Poster Activity

CTKG Myra’s Blog

2020 Connecticut’s Kid Governor Myra and her Cabinet have been sharing what they’ve been up to on their blog! Students can read the blog posts HERE and then write an email to CTKG Myra and the Cabinet members.

Emails to CTKG Myra and the Cabinet can be addressed to all of these students or to indiviuals and can ask questions, answer questions from blog posts, or just tell how your students are staying involved!

Emails can be sent to or

For inspiration on how to write a letter, students can visit the Writing to Your Elected Officials resource in the Student Action Resource Center.

Student Action Resource Center

Students can explore the Student Action Resource Center for information about how they can be an active and engaged citizen. Click HERE to begin exploring.

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