CTKG Reese & Cabinet Speak at State Department of Education’s Alliance District Symposium

On April 30th, CTKG Reese helped to kick off the State Department of Education’s Alliance District Symposium. She provided the student voice to principals and superintendents in attendance while sharing her platform and experience with Connecticut’s Kid Governor.

Later that day, Reese’s Cabinet provided the closing remarks for the Symposium but sharing their platforms and how educators can help to support them.
2021 Cabinet Members Share What They’ve Been Working On So Far on CTKG Reese’s Blog

The 2021 CTKG Cabinet members have begun to share the work they have been doing on their platforms on CTKG Reese’s blog. Cora Aitkenhead of Milford shared her first blog post in time for Earth Day with tips on how to celebrate the Earth on the 22nd of every month. Myalee Maxwell of New Britain shared her first post as well this week with an update on how she is spreading anti-racism practices with friends and family.
Spreading Positivity with the Virtual Community Crate
Check out the latest contributions to CTKG Reese’s Community Crate for positive messages from Connecticut students!
Connecticut’s Kid Governor® is a national award-winning civics program created by The Connecticut Democracy Center at Connecticut’s Old State House. The program is presented with major funding and support from CT Humanities and the Gawlicki Family Foundation, and in partnership with the Connecticut Council for the Social Studies.