The following are the candidates for the office of
2023 Connecticut’s Kid Governor
The following 5th graders were final candidates in the 2022 Statewide Election for the office of 2023 Connecticut’s Kid Governor. The candidates were nominated by the 5th graders in their schools and completed the necessary paperwork qualifying them to run for office.
Each candidate created a campaign video (below) outlining why they want to be Connecticut’s Kid Governor; what leadership qualities they have; what community issue is important to them and why; and a three-point plan outlining ways for Connecticut 5th graders to make a difference around that issue.
Fifth grade students in registered classes watched these videos carefully and used the Analyzing Campaign Videos and Speeches worksheet to study the candidates’ platforms and inform their vote during the Statewide Election. The Statewide Election was held November 7-15, 2022.
The winner of the election was announced Tuesday, November 22 at 9:15am.
Resources for the Statewide Election can be found at the bottom of this page. All candidate videos are Closed Captioned thanks to the help of our volunteers.
Candidate’s Name: Aaron
Candidate’s Community Issue: Access to Healthy Food
Candidate’s Name: Ellie
Candidate’s Community Issue: Anxiety and Depression
Candidate’s Name: Jacob
Candidate’s Community Issue: Bullying
Candidate’s Name: Liliana
Candidate’s Community Issue: Literacy
Candidate’s Name: Maxence
Candidate’s Community Issue: Cyberbullying
Candidate’s Name: Scarlet
Candidate’s Community Issue: Littering
Candidate’s Name: Shaan
Candidate’s Community Issue: Valuing the Elderly
Class Resources for Voting in the Statewide Election
Analyzing Campaign Videos and Speeches– Students will use this worksheet when analyzing the above campaign videos (one per video) to guide their assessments of the candidates’ platforms. Click HERE to download the PDF version of the worksheet.
New! Analyzing Campaign Videos & Speeches (Spanish Version)– Students will use this worksheet when analyzing the above campaign videos (one per video) to guide their assessments of the candidates’ platforms. Click HERE to download the PDF version of the worksheet.
Connecticut’s Kid Governor Statewide Election Ballot– This is the ballot to be used by students to cast their votes for the 2022 Connecticut’s Kid Governor. Click HERE to download the PDF version of the ballot.
Media Kit for Schools Voting in the 2022 CTKG Statewide Election– This Media Kit will assist you in promoting the Connecticut’s Kid Governor Statewide Election experience with local media. Click HERE to download.